Monday, November 19, 2012

Another Angel free of cancer

My dear readers of my blog. I am so sorry to have been absent for so long. The summer was crazy and the fall has been even busier.

I'm actually asking you to pray for dear friends of mine whose son passed away on Sunday evening the 18th November from brain cancer. Joey lived to be 9 years and 3 1/2 months old. Yes we know he is in a better place but we as humans would rather have him here.

Our family is grieving once again with them. Our two sons were born two days apart and did know each other for about 6 months or so when they were 5. As the Kellers prepare for the funeral and burial please pray for the Lord to surround them with peace, with good hugs from friends and for the ability to cry and release all the built up emotions from the last 2 years.
Thank you.

I will try to put a photo in here of him. So similiar to my Brendon whose picture is a few posts down in this blog.
Thanks and good night.

P.S. If you would like to write on their Caring Bridge site here is the link

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