Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nourishing Traditions/New Ways of Eating Healthy

It has long been on my heart to share with folks about healthier ways of eating and have neglected to put information or links on this blog. I recently was reading a blog I follow and she linked to one of my favourite sites through this post ( ) . The link is placed here below for those who are interested in reading a version of "Nourishing Traditions" but it is smaller and in PDF format and able to be read on your desktop. Once you have read this little book you may then see why it is better for you to eat this way! Then you can save up to buy the thick book called "Nourishing Traditions" which guides you into all the reasons why we should be eating soaked grains, bone broths, grass fed meat, chicken and eggs, raw milk and so on.

I just briefly glanced through this book this morning and it gives you an excellent outline on how to change over to this way of eating. You do not have to buy all organic everything either. That gets expensive as our family knows all too well.

For the health of you and your family take a peek. The download is free for you to have anyway. Most libraries have copies of the "Nourishing Traditions" Book too.

Keep our family in your prayers please as we have a case of regular flu, stomach flu, arthritis and knee pain, as well as some extended winter blues going on here.

Thanks - Julie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Be Innocent of Evil

Romans 16:19 says "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil" "And the God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet" (Taken from a song I used to sing in Africa. )

Are you watching things on TV/Internet or listening to music or looking at books/magazines that are innocent of evil? God can not crush the enemy on your behalf if you are participating in evil. Strive to be excellent at what is good.

Don't let your children follow the likes of TV/movie stars or famous sportspersons if you don't really know who those people are in real life! The Lord is convicting me today - can you tell?

He sure has got me thinking. Praise the Lord!