Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January Gifts

Each new day is precious,
Each new day is a blessing,
Each new day is a gift.

Today Lord I'm thankful for the Word of God. The light of my path.
The joy of my soul.

Thank you for the Psalms that remind me of repentence and forgiveness.
Thank you for the picture of creation that the Psalms gives us as.
Thank you for how much easier it is to remember Psalms than Proverbs.

Proverbs is bursting with wisdom for all to see and learn. To committ to memory or just to read when seeking direction is thrilling to your spirit. Proverbs is straight and to the point. You can NOT argue with God.

The determination of Nehemiah to complete the walls is beyond anything I see in the world around me today.

The gospels where four young men strive to know this Jesus and then at the end of His life they felt they did not really know Him at all. When the Holy Spirit filled their empty hearts once more they burned with fire which quenched all their doubts.

To serve the King is the most Ultimate, Amazing, Life giving occupation to do.

In the midst of the chaos of today - this is what I have to remind myself of.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Winter Blues or Not?

It has been a long while since I wrote anything heartfelt here other than information. The Christmas of 2012 went by better than others - thankfully. Our family chose to decorate our living room more than usual and it made our holiday season that much more jolly. I'm glad we did that!

Our choice to homeschool our children some days becomes easier when I see what is happening in our schools in the US, and yet so many people need special care and help and don't receive it. My choice on what curriculum to choose or how many hours  a day continue to work in my head and irritate me but we play each day by ear.

2012 brought some medical issues in our family that we are praying are resolved. My husband is doing better physically than 5 or 6 years ago even though he is older. In some places he may qualify to be a senior citizen soon! He has more X-rays and blood tests due to be done in February - we continue to be vigilant using oils and therapy to keep him in good shape.

The winter season brings with it the memories of past winters snuggling with 3 beautiful children , one nursing and the other two listening to stories. MMmmmm..... but we won't dwell on it too much. I am aiming to get out this house once a week on my own at least for refreshment in my spirit and soul.  Mommy's breakfast's at Panera do amazing things to rejuvenate my heart.

Writing a book about Brendon, our hero, and his short life has been toying with me for many months (maybe years), but each time I read his Caringbridge site I am in tears again. I know this will be hard to do but I have to make a start or I will procrastinate one more year and never get it done.

Here is a photo I try to do of the three boys every year - even though Brendon stays the same.

My new favorite book is Trim Healthy Mama written by Serene and Pearl of "Above Rubies" fame and family. It teaches you how to use all the health knowledge from many different eating plans and combine the best for you. Low carb and high protein and good healthy fats are what I'm aiming for. Learning about Hormones both for myself and for my husband have become more of an interest in my heart recently. The book is almost 2 inches thick so I feel like I'm reading a health Bible in some ways. It was written by two women who have journeyed for many years over the correct way of eating for their own bodies and their families too.

Thanks for reading and letting me share - I will try to update more about our Heart of Dakota Homeschooling journey soon.

May the Lord bless you today and give you peace even in the midst of storms.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter and Flu and Solutions Maybe

January 2012.

Dear Friends and Family,

Recently in the USA the press are talking about the crazy flu epidemic we have here.
Do you want to help your children avoid the flu ? Or perhaps you can prevent whateer cold/cough they have from staying around too long. Look into some of the info below please.

Here are some of our family's solutions - hope that you can use some of them. We don't do everthing - just some but Garlic and GOOT are some of my favorites


P.S I am not a Doctor these are remedies we have used on our family. Please check with your doctor if you have any doubt. I usually find they don't agree with these but my family does not get sick as many times either.


Link to my friends Garlic post here too: GOOT

I use this solution every winter especially when the boys have flu or symptoms of it. Right now we take Grapefruit seed drops once a week unless the boys have a cold, and then I give it once a day. Vitamin D drops from the Vitamin shop every night builds up the children's immune system too.
I also keep my children out of Childrens church as much as I can esp. if it involves playing with and sharing toys.
Just some info from our family to yours


Above Rubies Letter about Winter Remedies 2009

Subject: Above Rubies Special Note | BEAT THE FLU THIS WINTER!


Dear friends,

As we approach flu season, it is good to be reminded of ways to prevent it. There are better ways to prevent the flu than being vaccinated. Check out the following points to keep yourself and your family in good health during this winter season.


This means to not only refrain from sugar, but all foods containing sugar, which are most foods on the shelves of the supermarket. Read labels very carefully. In fact, when you read the labels first, will find that you will have to put most foods back on the shelf.

Sugar makes a perfect environment for viruses. Sugar completely destroys your immune system. It destroys the germ-killing ability of white bloods cells to kill bacteria and viruses up to five hours after intake. It interferes with the transport of vitamin C which is needed to fight the flu and robs the body of nutrients such as zinc that are vital for the immune function.

Sugar affects everyone, but has more serious consequences for children. Keep your children away from all sugar and especially when flu viruses are around. That means at Christmas time too!

Also, please reduce carbs as they turn to sugar in your body. Especially eliminate all whites--not only white sugar, but white flour, white pasta and white rice. Completely eradicate pop and sweet teas. I refuse to have sugar in my pantry.


The stronger your immune system, the less likelihood of getting the flu or any disease.

Here are some ideas for building up your immune system for you and your children. You can do what suits you best--or do them all!

My daughter, Serene, who has eight children, gives herself and the children the following once a day or more as needed.

COLD AND FLU FIGHTER (Or just GOOT as above)
½ cup chopped onion
A whole bulb of chopped garlic
2 TBS chopped fresh ginger root
1 chopped jalapeño

Put all ingredients in a quart jar, cover with raw vinegar and let sit 4 - 6 weeks. Strain out vegetables and use 2 TBS. or more each day. If you do get a cold or the flu, take every hour. Serene gives her children 1 TBS. each day as a preventative.

1, 000 mg morning and evening

Give children three drops in water once a week. If you notice any signs of flu or colds in the family, give three drops in water once a day. Adults should take 10 - 15 drops in water at the slightest sign of a cold or flu. You can obtain this extract at a health food shop.

To make it easier for toddlers to take these vitamins, mix the following:
1 TBS. or more of yogurt (no sugar added)
Crushed Vitamin C tablet, smaller dosage for toddler
Juice of ½ orange
2 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract
Stevia for sweetening
Mix together and give to toddler as needed.

1,000 mg each morning to children
1,000 each morning and evening for adults. Most adults need much more than this. The consensus is that anything up to 5,000 mg a day is safe and beneficial for most people. After a hydroxyl test, most people find they need more than this. The optimum levels for the body are 60 - 90 ml. Vitamin D builds the immune system and also fights cancer.

This is a marvelous food that builds up the body's own natural defenses against viral infections, disease and cancer. Take as much as you can each day. You can't take too much. Use the Extra Virgin Unrefined Coconut Oil for medicinal use. Put 1 TBS. or more in your smoothies. Use it for all your cooking instead of other oils. You can use Expeller Pressed for cooking.

If there are any signs of flu in even one of the children, Serene gets her children to take a banana and dip it into coconut oil (about 2 TBS coconut oil). This is an easy way for the children to eat it. You can also get the children to put the coconut oil behind their ears and massage it into their lymph glands and also in their nose.

Use coconut way every way you can. Use it for all cooking instead of other oils. To try some delectable recipes with Coconut Butter (it is called butter when it is cold and goes hard, and oil when it is soft in the summer or heated) you can order COCONUT RECIPES by Serene Allison from the Above Rubies website:


Charity Callis, Toll Free: 1 877 841 2861

Go to and check out their website.
Toll Free: 877-558-5518

To find out more about these immune boosting oils, check out THE PALM OIL MIRACLE and THE COCONUT OIL MIRACLE by Bruce Fife.


There is nothing like lack of sleep to run down your immune system. Sleep and a healthy diet are your best preventatives against the flu and colds. Make sure you have adequate sleep, especially during flu season. Try to get to bed early.
I grew up with the old wives' tale that the hours of sleep before midnight are the most beneficial. Science has now proved this adage, although I must admit I have broken the rule most of my life. I am now trying to go to bed earlier. The plan is to go to bed no later than 10.00 pm--9.00 pm is even better.
Staying up much later than 10.00 pm causes your adrenal glands to make cortisol. This is taxing on the adrenal gland and can lead to adrenal fatigue. Does this sound too hard? It is actually better for your health, and you will accomplish just as much by getting up earlier in the morning. And remember, I am preaching to myself!


I have a friend who uses the following for her family. The taste is wonderful.

ELDERBERRY COLD AND FLU FIGHTER SYRUP (this is excellent stuff- Julie)
½ cup elderberries (check the Internet for dried elderberries)
4 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 TBS grated fresh root ginger
2 cups water
Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes. Add ½ cup honey. Store in refrigerator. Take 2 TBS. each day to prevent colds and flu. If you have the flu, take every hour. This recipe only keeps two weeks in the fridge so you will need to make a fresh batch every two weeks.

Any easy fighter is to chop up 1 or 2 garlic cloves very, very finely. Pop in your mouth and swallow before you have a chance to taste the flavor or imbibe the smell. This is an easy and wonderful way to fight the flu. I find this simple and effective.

Many folk use the following Natural Antibiotic Recipe using Young Living Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils. Here is the recipe from Quick Reference Guide for Using Essential Oils, compiled by Connie and Alan Higley, 10th edition.

12 drops Thieves Oil
6 drops Oregano Oil
2 drops Frankincense Oil
Put drops in a "00" size capsule and ingest one capsule every 4 hours for 3 days, then every 8 hours for 4 days.

To purchase oils, go to

BURIED TREASURE - ACF (Acute Cold and Flu Formula)
This is highly effective for fighting colds. You can purchase it as your local health food store or online. Our daughter, Pearl, always has it on hand for use at the first sign of a sniffle.


Horseradish root is a powerful antibiotic and useful for fighting the flu, as well as urinary tract infections and even cancer. I have just harvested the roots from m y garden and am getting ready to prepare it as a sauce and to use in other recipes. Check the Internet for all kinds of wonderful recipes.

Prepare the following to use as needed. Slice or chunk the horseradish root, place in blender and grind, adding small amounts of vinegar for a good consistency, about 1 TBS vinegar (I use apple cider vinegar) to 1 cup horseradish. The vinegar preserves the horseradish and enhances the flavor. Vinegar stops the heat-building enzyme activity that grinding causes. If you want hotter horseradish, wait before adding the vinegar. Adding the vinegar right away will make the horseradish milder.

Horseradish will take your breath away, bring tears to your eyes, but at the same time clear all your sinuses, help ward off the flu and make you feel great!

You can add 1 TBS. of horseradish to your coleslaw or even to your meat loaf you are preparing.

This is another old wives' tale that I grew up with, but I still do it and believe it works. If someone gets a cold or flu in the house, I cut an onion in half and put it in a strategic place. Supposedly the germs go to the onion. If my husband has a sniffle, I cut an onion and put half by his side of the bed and half by my side of the bed. He complains of the smell but puts up with it!

A lot of germs come through the ears. As a preventative, pour a little Hydrogen Peroxide in the ear. I love to feel it bubbling in my ear. Do it once a week (perhaps on the weekend), one night in one ear and the next night in the other. I find it easier to do it this way as the peroxide doesn't run out from one ear when pouring it in the other ear.

An herb which strengthens the immune system and fights off infections. Check the Internet for purchase. Adults only.


Wash your hands frequently throughout the day, especially before eating. Wash under running water for 20 seconds or sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY while washing. It is most important to train your children to do this.


I find myself doing this and am having to get into the habit of not rubbing my eyes, mouth or nose. Teach your children about this also.


Check the Internet for a Neti Pot to clear nose and sinuses.


The H1N1 vaccination has many dangers. Check out more information before allowing yourself and your family to become a victim to these shots.

The Swine Flu Vaccine, unlike other flu vaccines, contains squalene, an additive which when introduced into the bloodstream, causes crippling auto-immune diseases like Lou Gehrig's disease, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Squalene in vaccines has been strongly connected to the Gulf War Syndrome. The H1N1 vaccine contains 1 million times more squalene than the vaccine given to Gulf War soldiers (which resulted in 140,000 veterans contracting the auto-immune disease Gulf War Syndrome). The use of squalene is illegal in the USA and UK but is being allowed under the emergency pandemic decree. Dr. Russell Blaylock states, "If you receive the vaccine, there is little you can do to protect yourself--at least by conventional medicine. It will mean a lifetime of crippling illness and early death."

The US government has given vaccine manufacturers (Novartis, Baxter, Glaxo-Smithkline, CSL) complete legal immunity from any deaths or injuries resulting from their vaccines.

If you are interested you could check out some of the following sites which are listed below.

Blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL

Above Rubies is a magazine to bring strength and encouragement to marriage, motherhood and family life.

Internet sites to check out:

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