Today is a new day. I am thankful each day is new with new mercies and God’s Grace is New every morning and not just once a week.
This year we have been studying the Olympics since mid-January. This has opened my eyes to many situations that athletes have to overcome to become an Olympian. Instead of just being an athlete they also have a family and a life outside of their sport. They face long and sometimes grueling practice schedules, falls, injuries, and probably sometimes the temptations to give up. I am amazed at how much we have learned through Amanda Bennett’s Unit Study (http://unitstudy.com/Olympics2014.html) for the Sochi 2014 Olympics, as well as using printables from the internet and the http://www.sochi2014.com/en/olympic website. Knowledge Box (http://www.currclick.com/product/89369/2014-Winter-Olympics-Lapbook) gave us some wonderful information in a condensed format so we have a combination study of Unit Study and lapbook all-in-one.
Many days I am tempted in some ways to not want to Homeschool, but when I get to the end of a study or week and review in conversation with the boys what they have really learned I am glad we have the freedom to homeschool and right now, can decide what/how to learn.
Our family has not had it easy since 2000. We have experienced many losses. It makes me open up my Bible and read through the Old Testament where many men and women lost precious children, spouses, parents at varying stages of their lives. Some reacted and some responded to that loss. I want to choose to respond and not react. I want the Holy Spirit to be so much a part of my every action, especially those when it involves interaction with the boys and family. That is definitely not so right now, so I will continue working on that point. I will try not to strive but to just change one moment at a time.
The Lord has been working on our family relationships with one another and maintaining an atmosphere of peace. Well in a home with boys who are bouncing off the walls, as well as the basketballs and footballs bouncing, that is a hard task. God certainly created the family unit to prune our characters and I suppose that is going to bring out the best and worst in our individual characters. Yes I do know this already. Wow Cain and Able sure battled against each other it seemed and that did not end well. Jacob and Esau are a good example of this rivalry too. Character work is one of the toughest issues I have dealt with in my own and my son’s lives.
Today we ended our study of the Olympics by listening to one of the Lamplighter’s audios called “Charlie’s Choice.” Charlie made numerous choices in his life that affected the direction of where his life would go and eventually end up. His most important choice came after studying the Bible and deciding to let God and Jesus, be the Captain of his life. This made me re-think my decision about who is directing my life. There seems to be only one way to me. My question today after all my ramblings is this…some text taken from “Charlie’s Choice.” (http://store.lamplighter.net/da---charlies-choice---dramatic-audio-cd-p67.aspx )
“A true hero has the strength to listen to what his Captain commands” said Charlie.
Is your Captain your Heavenly Father, your God – your calling?” (Me)
The book shop owner said, “When God blesses there is no sorrow attached. Focus on what you do have, not on what you don’t have. The most important journey in life is not about what you can get but about what you become.”
“The goals you set for tomorrow shape who you are today.”
My calling as a wife and mother is to serve Him, the Captain of my life. To love my husband and my boys with everything I can and to train the boys the best I can with God’s help. Thanks for listening.